Highway 41 Policy Responses from Mount Pleasant Mayor and Town Council Candidates


In advance of the Town of Mount Pleasant Mayoral and Council elections, the Smart Growth 41 Committee set out to clarify the positions of the various candidates regarding the expansion of Highway 41. While a County project, there are several aspects of the Highway 41 expansion where the County is expected to look to the Town for cooperation and consultation. 

Smart Growth 41 will not be making any formal endorsements in any of the upcoming elections, but has compiled these responses for informational purposes and as a resource for any Town of Mount Pleasant residents that are concerned about the expansion of Highway 41 or who have an interest in knowing where the candidates stand on this major infrastructure project. If other candidates ultimately provide responses between now and election day, those will be updated to the website as they are shared.

We hope this will serve as a valuable resource and as a supplement to your research about the policy position of the various candidates and encourage all residents of Mount Pleasant to go out and vote on Tuesday, November 2nd.


The following questions were asked of the candidates. You will find their responses below:

1) Do you support any version of Alternative 7 for the Highway 41 expansion project, including the current “Road to Compromise” proposal?

2) Do you support any future widening of Dunes West Boulevard or further widening of Park West Boulevard?

3) Do you support any Highway 41 expansion proposal that includes adding a new road between Highway 41 and Park West Boulevard through Laurel County Park?

4) What do you think is the best solution for Highway 41 expansion in Mount Pleasant?

  • Expand Highway 41 to 4 lanes, including through the Philiips community (Alternative 1)
  • Expand Highway 41 to 4 lanes except not through the Philiips community and expand Dunes West Boulevard to 4 lanes (Alternative 7B) 
  • Expand Highway 41 to 4 lanes except not through the Philiips community and add a new road (Laurel Hill Parkway) as Charleston County has proposed (Road to Compromise Proposal).
  • Expand Highway 41 to 4 lanes, except not through the Phillips community, and create new intersections to replace the current Joe Rouse Rd. and Dunes West Boulevard intersections, without expanding Dunes West Boulevard or adding a new road (Laurel Hill Parkway)
  • Do Nothing
  • Propose Another Solution (please explain in detail)

(Please Note: Question 4 has been abbreviated in the below responses for formatting purposes. Please refer to this “Key” if you need any clarification regarding the full question as you read through the responses)

Responses from Mayoral Candidates

Brandon C. Armstrong

Could not be reached to provide a response.

Will Haynie

1) Do you support any version of Alternative 7 for the Highway 41 expansion project, including the current “Road to Compromise” proposal?


I have been very clear in my communications with Charleston County Council, including my in-person comments to them at their August 2021 meeting, that they MUST return to the public, transparent stakeholder meetings before arriving at alternatives that none of us have seen before the County puts them out there as possibilities. I participated in the stakeholder meetings for years and they were public, on the record, and had numerous groups at the table giving input. When Alternative 7A came out, I called a special meeting of Town Council to invoke the local consent version of state law to eliminate it as a possibility insofar as the law allows, which is prohibiting such a design from attaching to and affecting town-owned infrastructure. I have asked the town’s legal counsel for an opinion on whether that vote applies to any subsequent version of Alternative 7 such as the one that is out there now as part of the Road to Compromise. The part of any alternative that I do support is the 4-3-4 lane design using the current right of way for HWY 41. The Phillips Community has agreed to 3 lanes through it, so this should be doable.

2) Do you support any future widening of Dunes West Boulevard or further widening of Park West Boulevard?

I see no need for future widening of Dunes West or Park West Boulevard. As a member of town council and as mayor, I strongly supported the widening of Park West Boulevard because it was requested by the community and the member of town council who lived there. Unless and until our own residents come to us requesting a widening, there is no reason to do so to accommodate through-traffic comprised on non-residents.

3) Do you support any Highway 41 expansion proposal that includes adding a new road between Highway 41 and Park West Boulevard through Laurel County Park?

I have personally told our two East Cooper resident members of Charleston County Council that I do not support nor see the need for the road going through Laurel Hill Park. They cite the justification for it as the level of service proviso in the corridor improvement requirements.

4) What do you think is the best solution for Highway 41 expansion in Mount Pleasant?

At present, there appears to be a desire for Charleston County Council to choose the “least bad” alternative. In that case, as I told them in person at the August meeting, it is time to hit the pause button, reassess the latest traffic data (including the effect of the completion of Park West Boulevard widening), and build the interim improvements approved and funded by the Town and Charleston County together. Choice “D” on this list [Expand Highway 41 to 4 lanes, except not through the Phillips community, and create new intersections to replace the current Joe Rouse Rd. and Dunes West Boulevard intersections, without expanding Dunes West Boulevard or adding a new road (Laurel Hill Parkway)] is otherwise the most acceptable alternative.

Kathy Landing

1) Do you support any version of Alternative 7 for the Highway 41 expansion project, including the current “Road to Compromise” proposal?

No, absolutely not.

2) Do you support any future widening of Dunes West Boulevard or further widening of Park West Boulevard?


3) Do you support any Highway 41 expansion proposal that includes adding a new road between Highway 41 and Park West Boulevard through Laurel County Park?

No, absolutely not!

4) What do you think is the best solution for Highway 41 expansion in Mount Pleasant?

Candidate indicated that she would prefer option D [Expand Highway 41 to 4 lanes, except not through the Phillips community, and create new intersections to replace the current Joe Rouse Rd. and Dunes West Boulevard intersections, without expanding Dunes West Boulevard or adding a new road (Laurel Hill Parkway)].

The candidate also elaborated on another potential solution: Start with the 4-3-4 for now. 10 years from now, the Phillips Community may actually welcome a Boulevard style solution with 4 narrow lanes with a planted median. It would be more attractive and not require taking land.

Responses from Town Council Candidates

Kevin Andrus

Declined to provide a response.

Jason Daley

Declined to provide a response.

Gary Davis

Declined to provide a response.

Lee Dittrich

Please share with the residents that I am a resident of Dunes West myself and that I am supporting Alternative 1 for a variety of reasons: (1) safest design to expand existing path of Highway 41; (2) lowest cost; (3) no environmental impact to Laurel Hill County Park; and (4) least amount of acreage impacted by the project. 

1) Do you support any version of Alternative 7 for the Highway 41 expansion project, including the current “Road to Compromise” proposal?

No, I am opposed to any version of Alternative 7, including the “Road to Compromise” for the Highway 41 expansion. Deviating from the existing path of Highway 41 to encroach on the Laurel Hill County Park impacts a greater amount of acreage, has significantly higher costs, wetland encroachment and includes roadway designs that have hazardous curves presenting safety issues for motorists. 

2) Do you support any future widening of Dunes West Boulevard or further widening of Park West Boulevard?

No, I do not support any future widening of Dunes West Boulevard or Park West Boulevard.

3) Do you support any Highway 41 expansion proposal that includes adding a new road between Highway 41 and Park West Boulevard through Laurel County Park?

No, I do not support any expansion that encroaches on the wetlands of Laurel Hill County Park that will have an environmental impact. 

4) What do you think is the best solution for Highway 41 expansion in Mount Pleasant?

(A) Expand Highway 41 to 4 lanes, including through the Phillips community (Alternative 1)

John Iacofano

1) Do you support any version of Alternative 7 for the Highway 41 expansion project, including the current “Road to Compromise” proposal?

I would like to preserve our parks and Laurel Hill is a beautiful park that needs to remain intact.

2) Do you support any future widening of Dunes West Boulevard or further widening of Park West Boulevard?

Does expanding Dunes West and Park West Boulevard help alleviate the issue?  I know that Park West was just widened.  If the residents of Dunes West and Park West support the further widening of these roads to direct traffic towards 17 then I would support the expansion.

3) Do you support any Highway 41 expansion proposal that includes adding a new road between Highway 41 and Park West Boulevard through Laurel County Park?

Not with what I have been shown.

4) What do you think is the best solution for Highway 41 expansion in Mount Pleasant?

If D [Expand Highway 41 to 4 lanes, except not through the Phillips community, and create new intersections to replace the current Joe Rouse Rd. and Dunes West Boulevard intersections, without expanding Dunes West Boulevard or adding a new road (Laurel Hill Parkway)] works then this seems to be the best proposal. 

I also see a very short section between the end of Hubbell Drive and Faison Road next to the airport that could possibly help alleviate about 100+ homes with a very short bridge and road.  This would have a large effect on the homes at the end of Hubbell Drive as they are used to being the dead end and would add traffic to the street.  A very small extension that quickly gets cars to 17.  

Cooperation with City of Charleston to continue to expand Clements Ferry Road.

Revisit a 41/17 intersection that was proposed and was turned down due to it being “to city like” although it was proven to improve traffic flow and grants were available to assist in paying for the intersection.

Myra Jones

First, let me preface my remarks by stating that I have spoken to various citizens and Town, County and State level officials.  No one has a clear and “best” solution to this issue at this point.  It is a moving target.  We all know that this is a Charleston County project; however, the Army Corps of Engineers will have a major say-so before any plan is put in place.  

The nature of traffic and the areas served by Highway 41 will change significantly before any changes to the road are final.  We must look in the crystal ball and determine what would be best for 2025 and future years.  A major concern is to provide a sufficient hurricane evacuation route for Mt. Pleasant residents to use as an alternative to I-26 or other roadways.

While we must limit impact on any residential community along the path, we must also be mindful of preserving and enhancing the natural landscape in the area.  We must consider the wetlands, flooding/drainage, trees and green space in any proposal.  With climate change and rising sea levels, we cannot afford to diminish environmentally important lands and greenery.

1) Do you support any version of Alternative 7 for the Highway 41 expansion project, including the current “Road to Compromise” proposal?

This option concerns me primarily with the takeover of park lands, and for the reasons set forth above.

2) Do you support any future widening of Dunes West Boulevard or further widening of Park West Boulevard?

I am concerned that further widening of Park West Blvd. and/or Dunes West Blvd. would be detrimental to the residents of the neighborhoods, property values and the associated revenue to the Town of Mount Pleasant and the safety of the residents.

3) Do you support any Highway 41 expansion proposal that includes adding a new road between Highway 41 and Park West Boulevard through Laurel County Park?

I believe the Park should not be disturbed by a high-traffic road, for environmental and safety reasons.

4) What do you think is the best solution for Highway 41 expansion in Mount Pleasant?

It has been proposed to me that the best solution would be to provide another roadway which links to Highway 17 north of Mount Pleasant and would travel through a portion of the Francis Marion Forest.  This plan is worthy of consideration as it would have minimal impact on established neighborhoods, property values and safety of the residents. It may also be a less costly roadway to build, saving the County money in the long run. It would also be a long-term solution, not short-term as some of the other options discussed by the County are doomed to be. No matter what the plan turns out to be, additional stop lights should be added to Hwy 41 at the major intersecting roadways.

Carl Ritchie

1) Do you support any version of Alternative 7 for the Highway 41 expansion project, including the current “Road to Compromise” proposal?

I do not.

2) Do you support any future widening of Dunes West Boulevard or further widening of Park West Boulevard?

I do not. We finally got Park West Blvd completed and it is working well. I do not see a need for more widening or construction on these roadways.

3) Do you support any Highway 41 expansion proposal that includes adding a new road between Highway 41 and Park West Boulevard through Laurel County Park?

I do not support a road through Laurel County Park.

4) What do you think is the best solution for Highway 41 expansion in Mount Pleasant?

I would support this alternative…”D”[Expand Highway 41 to 4 lanes, except not through the Phillips community, and create new intersections to replace the current Joe Rouse Rd. and Dunes West Boulevard intersections, without expanding Dunes West Boulevard or adding a new road (Laurel Hill Parkway)]

Gary Santos

Declined to provide a response.

Shari Sebuck

1) Do you support any version of Alternative 7 for the Highway 41 expansion project, including the current “Road to Compromise” proposal?

After looking and reading through all the materials, it appears plans have been renamed and changed and it’s very confusing – even to me – a Hwy 41 resident that has followed the Hwy 41 fiasco. I am not a fan of the “road to compromise” because of the wetlands and park it would destroy. My main concern is will it make areas (homes and businesses) a flood plain that was not before? Concrete does not hold water! As a first time candidate I would need to read and review all of these studies, impacts, traffic counts and data. Years ago, I sent a letter to Larry Grooms supporting the plan to go straight down Hwy 41. This was before the Philips community was made historical.

2) Do you support any future widening of Dunes West Boulevard or further widening of Park West Boulevard?

Why would this be necessary? I need facts and data.

3) Do you support any Highway 41 expansion proposal that includes adding a new road between Highway 41 and Park West Boulevard through Laurel County Park?

Not at this time without further review.

4) What do you think is the best solution for Highway 41 expansion in Mount Pleasant?

Again, I am empathetic to the plight of the historical Phillips community. I am empathetic to Heirs property. I am also empathetic to the property rights of DW and PW resident. I would want to see all traffic counts, and reasoning for any alternative route that would cost more money, impact a higher number of residents, and negatively impact our environment – and thus residents in time of flooding or hurricanes, etc., to justify the alternative. At the moment, without that information, A [Expand Highway 41 to 4 lanes, including through the Philiips community (Alternative 1)] and D [Expand Highway 41 to 4 lanes, except not through the Phillips community, and create new intersections to replace the current Joe Rouse Rd. and Dunes West Boulevard intersections, without expanding Dunes West Boulevard or adding a new road (Laurel Hill Parkway)] would be where I would want to start comparing numbers. 

GM Whitley

Declined to provide a response.

Robert Yarbrough

Could not be reached to provide a response.